10stamps is the most popular stamp card app in German-speaking Europe! More than 200,000 users and thousands of partners are part of 10stamps.
Finally, the search for a stamp card in your overstuffed wallet is over. Simply collect stamps and rewards in all 10stamps partner venues.
Your 10stamps advantages:
- Receive attractive rewards in your favorite stores
- No registration needed, you can use 10stamps anonymously
- No spam from partner venues, we don't give away your data
- 10stamps is completely free
- Huge network of 10stamps partners
Collecting stamps your phone is easy:
1. In 10stamps partner venues just ask a staff member for loyalty stamps
2. Scan the QR code with the 10stamps app
3. Done: Your stamp is automatically added to your virtual stamp card
If your favorite store does not offer this functionality yet, email us at <a href="mailto:feedback@10stamps.de">feedback@10stamps.de</a> and we will contact the partner.
Do you like 10stamps? Visit www.facebook.com/10stamps and stay on the ball.
Keywords: Stempel, Loyalty card, Punchcard, Bonuscard, Customer loyalty, 10 stamps, ten stamps, coupon, rewards, rewardcard
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">10stamps adalah aplikasi kartu cap paling populer di Eropa berbahasa Jerman! Lebih dari 200.000 pengguna dan ribuan mitra merupakan bagian dari 10stamps.
Akhirnya, pencarian kartu cap dalam dompet empuk Anda berakhir. Cukup mengumpulkan perangko dan manfaat dalam semua 10stamps tempat mitra.
10stamps Anda keuntungan:
- Menerima hadiah menarik di toko-toko favorit Anda
- Tidak ada pendaftaran diperlukan, Anda dapat menggunakan 10stamps anonim
- Tidak ada spam dari tempat mitra, kami tidak memberikan data Anda
- 10stamps benar-benar gratis
- Jaringan besar dari 10stamps mitra
Mengumpulkan prangko telepon Anda mudah:
1. Pada 10stamps tempat mitra hanya meminta anggota staf untuk prangko loyalitas
2. Scan kode QR dengan app 10stamps
. 3 Selesai: stamp Anda secara otomatis ditambahkan ke kartu cap virtual Anda
Jika toko favorit Anda tidak menawarkan fungsi ini, email kami di <a href="mailto:feedback@10stamps.de">feedback@10stamps.de</a> dan kami akan menghubungi mitra.
Apakah Anda suka 10stamps? Kunjungi www.facebook.com/10stamps dan tetap pada bola.
Kata kunci: Stempel, Kartu loyalitas, punchcard, Bonuscard, loyalitas pelanggan, 10 perangko, sepuluh perangko, kupon, hadiah, rewardcard</div> <div class="show-more-end">